Term & Conditions

Writing terms and conditions for a travel agency operating in India involves covering various aspects to ensure clarity and protection for both the agency and its clients. 

1. Introduction and Scope: Begin by introducing your travel agency and clearly state that these terms and conditions govern the use of your services. Specify that by using your services, clients agree to abide by these terms.

2. Booking Procedures:
– Outline the process for making bookings, including any required deposits or payments.
– Specify whether bookings are confirmed upon receipt of payment and any deadlines for payment.
– Explain the procedure for making changes or cancellations to bookings and any associated fees or penalties.

3. Payment Terms:
– Detail the accepted forms of payment (credit cards, bank transfers, etc.).
– Specify the currency in which payments are accepted (Indian Rupees, US Dollars, etc.).
– Clearly state any applicable taxes, fees, or surcharges.

4. Travel Documents and Insurance:
– Advise clients on the importance of having valid passports, visas, and any other required travel documents.
– Recommend that clients obtain travel insurance to cover unexpected events such as trip cancellations, medical emergencies, or lost luggage.

5. Itinerary and Services:
– Describe the services provided by your agency, including transportation, accommodation, tours, and activities.
– Specify the scope of your agency’s responsibilities and any limitations, such as third-party services booked through your agency.

6. Client Responsibilities:
– Inform clients of their responsibilities, such as adhering to visa requirements, following local laws and customs, and maintaining appropriate behavior during the trip.
– Advise clients to review and confirm the accuracy of their booking details, including dates, names, and other personal information.

7. Health and Safety:
– Provide information on health and safety considerations for travel to India, including recommended vaccinations and precautions against common illnesses.
– Advise clients to seek medical advice before traveling and to take appropriate precautions during their trip.

8. Liability and Disclaimers:
– Limit your agency’s liability for unforeseen events or circumstances beyond your control, such as natural disasters, political unrest, or transportation delays.
– Clearly state that your agency is not liable for any damages, losses, or injuries incurred during the trip, except to the extent caused by your agency’s negligence.

9. Privacy Policy:
– Explain how your agency collects, uses, and protects clients’ personal information in compliance with applicable privacy laws.
– Provide clients with the option to opt out of marketing communications or to request the deletion of their personal data.

10. Governing Law and Jurisdiction:
– Specify the governing law (Indian law) and jurisdiction (courts of India) for resolving any disputes arising from these terms and conditions.

11. Miscellaneous:
– Include any additional provisions or clauses relevant to your agency’s operations, such as force majeure clauses or indemnification provisions.

12. Review and Revision:
– Regularly review and update your terms and conditions to ensure they remain accurate and up to date with any changes in your agency’s policies or legal requirements.

Once you’ve drafted your terms and conditions, it’s advisable to have them reviewed by a legal professional to ensure they comply with relevant laws and regulations and provide adequate protection for your agency and its clients.